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Let's Get Wiard Party Rentals

About Us!

We are a family-owned business that believes in celebrating the most important things in life. We believe that everyone should be able to experience their special occasions without the hassle of overpaying for rentals. After a bad experience with party rentals for our son's 1st birthday, we decided to start our own rental company from our home right here in Portales, New Mexico. We wanted to establish a business with a strong belief in professionalism, honesty, integrity, compassion, and love for our community. We as a family know what it means to experience hard times that is why we want to support our hometown and give back to our community. 



"To provide high quality rentals, so that everyone can celebrate their special occasion regardless of economic status"



"To become Eastern New Mexico's most reliable and trusted party rental business with an emphasis on helping everyone"

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